Rob Orlando
About me
Ibanez SR3600 Electric Bass, Ibanez TR70 Electric Bass, Fender Acoustic Bass.
Favorite Bass Players
Patrick Djivas, John Deacon, Ares Tavolazzi, Chris Squire, Gary Thain, Mike Rutherford.
Three favorite bands/artists
Queen, Black Sabbath, The Dubliners.
Most influential artists
Jethro Tull, Uriah Heep.
Best concerts so far
Dublin Irish Festival (Ohio, US) 2019, every Bustofolk (BA City, Italy).
Best concerts attended
The Tossers in a little pub in Dublin (2007), Modena City Ramblers on New’s Year Eve in Modena (2006), Tradate Iron Fest (2005).
Favorite places in Ireland
Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Howth, Connemara.
Favorite pubs
Harold’s House in Dublin, Paddy Cullen’s in Pogliano Milanese.
Favorite drinks
Beamish Irish Stout, peated scotch whisky, apple juice.
Favorite foods
Pizza, mushrooms and Chinese food.
Favorite writers
Umberto Eco, Gabriel Gacia Marquez, Herman Hesse, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, J.R.R. Tolkien, R.A.Salvatore.
Favorite hobbies
Sci-Fi in any form, cooking, travelling, reading, computer and videogames.